Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Library Thing & Baby Beluga

Wow, it's been a while since I blogged!

I have looked at Library Thing, made an account and added to it a whole pile of titles. Although I haven't had a chance to explore the site thoroughly, I think my main use of it will be keeping track of what I've read. I have always done this for myself, using Word and cutting and pasting reviews, but this is a lot faster! It's also interesting to see the "overlap" in other people's lists (Members with your books). I have 57 titles on my list, and the largest overlap with someone else is
13 titles. I'm not sure if that's a significant overlap or not. I like to think my reading tastes are unique!

Update on the beluga calf born in June at the Vancouver Aquarium - the Aquarium is now having a "Name the Baby Beluga" contest. Here's the link:
The picture is of calf, her mother Qila and her grandmother (Qila's mother) Aurora.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ok, now that I've got the hang of this slideshow stuff, here's another one.

Also, the updated link to all our photos on Flickr is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29354499@N06/

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Hornby Island
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Still working on that slideshow - I'm getting there. In the meantime, here's two photos from last summer, taken on our trip to Quebec. In the bottom one, I'm standing beside the entryway to a church building that's been converted into a library! (Perhaps you can see "Bibliotheque" on the sign) There's a number of old and ornate church buildings that cannot support congregations anymore, so they have been turned to other uses. As you can see from the top photo, a lot of the church accoutrements have been retained, which makes for a lovely (but I'm not sure how functional) interior.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


If you refer back to my June 19 post, you'll see I stated that I like snakes. Well, here is the picture that proves it! I'm holding a little garter snake I caught on Hornby Island.

I had hoped by now to master making a slideshow in order to show some of the beauty of Hornby, but you'll just have to make do with a snake for now!