Ok, I skipped Technorati and Social Networking for now - hope to go back to them later. I know a little about Social Networking but nothing at all about Technorati, so that will be interesting.
A few years ago, I started hearing about "Libraries 2.0", so I figured I'd better get onside and find out what that was all about. I see it in my rather simplistic way as this: people are using the Web and technology more and more. Just think, we spend time doing all these things that even 10 years ago were not a big part of our everyday lives: emailing, IM'ing, blogging, bidding, buying, browsing, printing, gaming, chatting, flaming, flirting, posting, networking, tagging, webcasting, podcasting, downloading, uploading, surfing and so much more! And if libraries want to remain relevant, they have to facilitate people doing all this stuff. The Web and technology change so quickly, it's difficult to keep current and especially to decide what to incorporate into library services and what's just going to be a passing trend. And I do have to say, I'm glad NVDPL's circ. statistics are healthy. I still just can't see books becoming obsolete!
By the way, the picture above is of a "steampunk" style laptop. "Steampunk" is a style that's sort of Victorian-era Gothic technology.